Our first spelling lists came home today! Our words, which are different for every student, are taken from one of two high frequency word assessments, so each is very individualized and targeted towards only words which students struggle spelling. Tests are Friday. Any missed words go back on our list next week, so we should really get these second grade words down!
The individualized spelling tests are different from last year, so here' s a quick breakdown:
- Lists go home Monday, and are tested on Friday. Short weeks vary, but often we will not have spelling lists or tests on a short week.
- We still do word study during the week, but study spelling patterns (for example, long a spelling patterns) to aid students in attempting to spell new words. Students are not "tested" on typical spelling pattern words, but are expected to apply these rules in writing when possible.
- Students are expected to spell high frequency words correctly in writing by the end of the year, but only to apply common spelling strategies for unknown words. So, for example, if a student writes "amayzing" in their writing rather than "amazing" I would find that acceptable: they applied a long a spelling pattern that could be appropriate, and the word has all sounds represented.
- High Frequency words are not only used more often, but also tend to have irregular spelling, which is why we are focusing on those for home lists. There will be little, if any, spelling practice on these words at school, outside of Writing Workshop, during which spelling is one of many writing focuses.
We are well on our way to becoming great spellers in second grade! Thank you to our wonderful volunteers who have been helping to assess students who did well on their first 100 words and are ready for their second list.