Thursday, September 12, 2013

Wonderful Weather

We are learning all about weather in science!  We began our weather study this week by activating our prior knowledge about weather in a quickwrite.  We shared our ideas and were able to gain an understanding of what we already know about weather.

Next, we explored some wonderful fiction books about weather.  Often, fictional stories are great places to begin our learning, as they often include facts!  We read A Boat Ride with Lillian Two Blossom, a story by Patricia Polacco, and discussed both weather myths and weather misconceptions.

Our Big Idea for weather in second grade is: The sun, air, and water work together to create our weather.  This will be along unit which will culminate in a project focusing on conserving water and other resources, including a look at bottled water (you may know, one of my "favorite" topics!)

I am so impressed by what we already know about weather, and can't wait to see how much this class learns in the next few weeks!

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