Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Our Writing Goals

We are kicking of four Writing Workshop after meeting with Miss Miller one on one and looking at writing samples together.  We decided what our Writing Goal is- what we need to work on in our writing- and put our name next to that goal on our Writing Goals Chart.  As you can see, we all have something we can work on to improve our writing.  This visual reminder will help us keep on track working towards our Writing Goals.
Currently, we are working on writing basics, such
as using finger spaces, capital letters, and periods.
Some of us are ready to look at our spelling using
our individual word walls, which we keep in our
Writing folders.

What is your writing goal?
We have some wonderful writers in our class, and I can't wait to show off their work at our first Publishing Celebration, after we complete our Small Moments writing projects.   Stay tuned for more information about that!

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