Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Math Fact Practice

This week in math we began focusing on learning addition facts.  As second graders, we are responsible for mastering our basic addition facts (up through 20).  This means that we should be able to answer them within 3 seconds.  The goal is to have them memorized have a trick to figure them out very quickly.  

To make mastering these facts more interesting, we have been learning games to help us practice.  Ask your child to teach you how to play Domino Pull, Plus One/Plus Two Go Fish, Beat the Calculator, or Plus One/Plus Two Concentration at home!

This week we are focusing only on our plus one, plus two facts.  Check out our class in action!

Domino Pull is a game where students flip over a domino from a pile.
If they flip over a plus one or plus two fact, they get to keep it,
and write the addition sentence on their board.

Writing addition sentences is another important skill this
game practices.

Students loved playing this- and it helped us learn our facts.

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